Hello everynyan,
I’m learning how Bison and Flex work with an O’Reilly book and there can be found an example on how to build a calculator (which has an error on the code, probably there are more in the book, that’s why it has that kind of critics, but it works.).
I ended up making an extension on it just to test my forgotten grammar skills. The code is the following:
Welcome back to the mystery machine!
Today, the spooky lex.l. As we saw in the previous post this file is full with constants, but to be more precise this is the file where you tell how to treat every string found. In fact, constants are not defined in this file but in dura.y,
For example:
- “ld return MNEMO_LD”: Whenever you find a string
that’s which characters ld, treat is as a token with value MNEMO_LD
(Mnemotechnic for Load instruction).
- “0x[0-9a-f]+ yylval.val=(int)strtol(yytext,NULL,16);return
NUMERO;”: Whenever you find 0x followed by 1 or more characters from the
set {0-9a-f} (hence, hex), transform them to a long int (as strol can treat
hex values directly) and then to an int and set it to the yylvval, which is
the flex’s return value, and return that this token is a number.
So as you have seen, at least in this case, Flex is the one that is in charge of
understanding the meaning of each token as defined in this file.
Welcome to another trip into another dark cave. Today we meet asMSX, an
assembler for MSX’s Z80 made by Pitpan and bought and released with GPL
license by cjv99 (Thanks!).
It’s known that this assembler has some bugs, e.g. skipping IFDEFs when
using MegaROM so there is an interest on knowing the internals of the code in
order to fix this kind of bugs. My goal is not directly fixing bugs of this code
but to provide more information about the code so all the people from the
community may get themselves the code and fix it if there are any new bugs.
R, that language that is has gained its momentum due to the people discovering
the need of analyzing data. There are other several alternatives but this is my
poison (or poisson!) of choice. In this post we will try to cover how to
parallelize your R code with the package parallel.
Why bother?
One of my main concerns when I was starting with R is that WOW!
Everything runs in one thread!. I was amazed by the fact that the
language was still being used with that issue inside. How fool I was!
Parallelism is doable in R. But, why must we bother about it? If we were still
living in the era where we only had one core inside the CPU it won’t be an
issue, but some smart guys thought that there was an issue when trying to set
higher frequencies to the CPUs (power consumption mainly) and they decided to
put more CPUs in a chip instead of going to a single faster core. That has been
our paradigm for a couple of years and it appears to be working, right?